We’ve decided, that we make a dressing up in latex video, which we did. And hopefully, it will be prepared soon enough. But in the meantime, you can enjoy this photoset in which RubberTerra undressing her red latex blouse and olive miniskirt.
Have a sweaty latex weekend.
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Category: Free content
Back in black latex catsuit with new whip
Get myself new whip, it’s great toy for naughty girls. Mostly, whip is used to punishing your slaves, but in a hands of creative rubberdoll, it can change quickly to be a pleasure tool. Wearing tight black latex catsuit, high heels and rubber hood of course …
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Rubber visit from outher space
How do you imagine aliens, like a creepy, awful creatures? Well, some of them surely are, but we can assure you, that in galaxy far, far away, a kinky creature lives called RubberTerra. She is beautiful, her body is made from material, known for us as latex. But she hot but also very cruel and pervy. She often travels to the Earth and captures terrans, to use them for her pleasure, maybe one day, she’ll visit you …
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Long rubber police baton
It’s long as mens forearm, hard, black, shiny, smooth and have the right thickness. What is it? ….
Long shiny rubber police baton…
What? You say, that some possibilities of usage comes to your mind? Same here. Right after I unboxed it, have to dress my black rubber catsuit and play with the baton. Tightly bound in rubber corset, I probe its advantages.
Countryside – latex between bales of straw
Summer was almost over, the days were not so hot. The sun set behind the horizon sooner and latex catsuit is very pleasant in this time. Soft bales of straw are rolling in the fields to create shade, in which you can perform various kinky improprieties. And if you’re lucky like me, you can find some slacker, which will be happy to join.
Enojoy your weekend
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