Heavy rubber coat and gas mask

New toys to play, heavy rubber coat and new gas mask

Do you like heavy rubber outfits and other stuff? I personally do. But you know me, love latex catsuits. It’s almost like a skin to me and I think it fits perfectly to this rubber coat. Adding this gas mask seemed to be the right touch to complete this heavy rubber outfit.
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Hot sweaty summer day in total latex enclosure

hot-sweaty-summer-day-in-total-latex-enclosureThis summer was extremely hot and it can be even hotter in total black latex catsuit enclosure.
Road is hot. It didn’t rain from several weeks, shining of the sun doesn’t stop. It’s endless.
No rain just bad ass heat. My heavy boots nearly sticking on that hot road. I decided to take advantage of that, and go out for a walk. Enclosed in black latex catsuit with latex hood seemed ideal for this, enjoying the hard breathable dry air. I felt how sweat is flowing over my body.

Fantastic experience
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Pink rubberdoll in white room

pink-rubberdoll-in-white-room-14I’m testing my new latex skirt and top. From the front side latex skirt looks quite chaste, but from the back, it is a whole another story. To excel my black latex outfit, I’m trying it in a room that is all white.

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