Sunny day in welding goggles

Outside walk in total latex enclosure and welding goggles

Sunny day, love them, ideal to go black. Latex catsuit is my number one choice for this type of weather. But as every one knows, you have to wear some sun protection. You’re right, goggles. I prefer welding goggles, biggest UV factor you can get. I can stare straight to the sun. And whats your favorite choice of eye protection?
Have fun



Short clips of rubber family in live stream action

Preview of life latex stream from friday 20.11.2015

Here you can see a short preview and get the overall idea how our latex streams looks like.

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Pink rubberdoll in white room

pink-rubberdoll-in-white-room-14I’m testing my new latex skirt and top. From the front side latex skirt looks quite chaste, but from the back, it is a whole another story. To excel my black latex outfit, I’m trying it in a room that is all white.

Enjoy it

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Heavy rubber secretary – Tax inspection

heavy-rubber-secretary-tax-inspectionEveryone have to do their taxes but when you have the proper help, it will be quite a fun. Rubber secretary Rubberterra wearing latex blouse and latex skirt.

Enjoy it


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