Playing with an inflatable chair

playing-with-inflatable-chairNew package arrived, inflatable rubber chair. I had to test it. I put on my pink zipper less latex catsuit, but it seemed not to be enough, so I added another layer, another latex catsuit, red one. Brought for help my bondage inflatable chair. It is so comfortable and totally encourages me to be a little kinky. Now I feel good. But it’s missing something. My standard equipment comes in mind. Latex hood, gloves and belt.

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Pink and Black: Dolly in latex catsuit on PVC sofa

From head to toe in pink rubber suit, I really like it that way. After hard day, I had to rest. Arrange PVC sheet on sofa and enjoy some free moments in latex catsuit.






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Hot sweaty summer day in total latex enclosure

hot-sweaty-summer-day-in-total-latex-enclosureThis summer was extremely hot and it can be even hotter in total black latex catsuit enclosure.
Road is hot. It didn’t rain from several weeks, shining of the sun doesn’t stop. It’s endless.
No rain just bad ass heat. My heavy boots nearly sticking on that hot road. I decided to take advantage of that, and go out for a walk. Enclosed in black latex catsuit with latex hood seemed ideal for this, enjoying the hard breathable dry air. I felt how sweat is flowing over my body.

Fantastic experience
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